Friday, May 30, 2008

Two Questions

1. How do I make my text also a link? For example, in the book list below, how can I make the titles into the clickable links below them (so the list isn't quite soooooooo long)?

2. Recently, a comment has been posted and then deleted by its author. Twice. And I find it strangely disconcerting (rightly or wrongly). It just nags at me. In neither case has there been any follow-up, like a comment following saying something like "sorry, I double-posted, so am deleting the original." A deletion on the basis of a double-post is not disconcerting, but I have no way to know if this is the reason for these deletions. If you have posted and deleted, can you let me know if this is the reason?

I admit, this may be my neurotic tendencies talking. I love comments. I really, really love them. And I really appreciate those who take the time to write a comment, even if brief. So in no way do I mean this to come off as discouragement for anyone leaving me comments. Please continue to do so, and let me know if you need to delete anything.


sf said...

I think at least once it was me, and it was because it (inexplicably ) appeared twice (???)

sf said...

Back tomorrow with more commentary on other posts.
Due to unexpected neighborhood turn of events - I got nothing checked off today's list, including blog commentary

Brother Peregrine said...

I definitely double-posted once -- the link I put to "The Spirit Catches You" was broken, so I posted again to fix it.

Brother Peregrine said...

...And that was me (Heather), not Silver.

Masasa said...

Okay, that makes me feel better. Thanks!