Friday, August 15, 2008

And Now Some Art From Our House

A park near our home features art sculptures in the summer. Today there was a special 12-hour event of community sculpture making. I took the kids and while we were there we contributed two pink prints the kids made and two tie dye fabric-like paper scraps. It was a great time! We took the bus there, and afterward we walked to the store where K. decided to draw a small crowd with some mad crazy ASL.

Tonight the kids were telling my mom all about our day over the phone. My mom asked if I took pictures of the sculpture-making. I didn't. Crap, that would have been such a good idea, but I didn't even think of it.

So, as a tribute to our day, here is some art anyway. This is a rainbow, by M. You can see he started to erase it, but I ran in and told him to stop the presses so I could take a picture.

We saw a beautiful double-rainbow on G. and my wedding anniversary, and the kids have been absolutely enthralled by rainbows since. We've done some science, making rainbows with a flashlight and jar of water. It's not as easy as I had hoped, but G. has become pretty adept at it.

Life is good. I want to live in an awareness of that.

1 comment:

sf said...

Love the rainbow drawing, Marcus.